Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Meredith Vieira

I really, really like Meredith Vieira. I suppose it's one of my OGTs. I used to watch The View so I could hang out with Meredith during "Hot Topics". She's my favorite! So it wasn't that surprising when I dreamt about her a couple of nights ago.

In my dream, she and I ran into each other at the ABC Studios Christmas Party. I don't know why either one of us was there, or why the party was being held in March, or why we weren't at the NBC Christmas party, but such was the case. So I see her come into the lobby (the party was in a swanky hotel) and I immediately go over to her and start the "I'm your biggest fan...I love you on the Today show...I've been watching you for years" speech. She was so gracious and gave me a big hug and told me how kind I was and how glad she was to meet me. She also looked really fantastic, in this floor-length, dark green, long-sleeved dress. I was beaming, in my dream. I woke up excited to have met her, and can only hope that someday I will actually meet her. I think she's lovely and if she and I ever meet in person, I'll take a picture and post it here. If you're lucky.

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