Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day 2008 - Poverty

Today, October 15, is Blog Action Day. Check out the website.
It's easy to become overwhelmed by poverty. Am I doing enough? Can we even make a difference?

I used to think it was important to give money to anyone who asked for it on the streets. Sadly, people who pull out their wallets on the street are easy targets of crime. I no longer advocate giving to panhandlers. It's dangerous.

So, how to make a difference? Get involved with something that matters to you. What is important to you when you think about getting people out of poverty? Is it clean water? Housing the homeless? Educational supplies for impoverished children? Supporting a local orphanage?

There are countless, reputable organizations out there who target each of these specific needs. Pick one that speaks to you and offer them your support. If we each make a difference in a small way, together we will make a difference in a BIG way.

Here are a couple of suggestions: