Thursday, February 01, 2007


I'm reading a new book right now. It's a Christian book. This is the first book I've ever read by this particular author. Her work comes highly recommended by another author that I like, so I decided to give her stuff a try.

The characteristic that strikes me most about this author is her transparency. She's a Christian, first. However, her writing style is unlike most contemporary Christian authors. She drops the f-bomb a lot, openly resents (though strives to love and forgive) the Bush White House, speaks about how at times she is so angry and confused with her son that she wants to hurt him, and writes candidly about her life before she was clean and sober.

This stuff was a distraction for me, initially. How very un-Christlike of her to say those words, think those thoughts. Then the Lord checked my attitude on the 3 train, coming home from school this morning. Nate, she's real, she's genuine, she says and does the same things you do. Only she doesn't hide it. She is transparent in her life.

I try to be transparent, but often am not.

  • When I read my Christian books on the train, I secretly feel holy as I look around at what others are reading. How very phariseic of me.
  • When I see people on the street, I judge them by the color of their skin. I don't want to, and I resent the society I grew up in that still favors segregation, despite what we say.
  • When I pray, I use nice words and follow formulas. God desires a genuine heart in prayer, no matter how ugly, broken, angry, or reverent I am feeling.
  • I give away money to people so they will like me.

God desires transparency in all things, I'm learning. I am transparent with my family because they are the people I love most in the world, and sharing together keeps us all humble. Christ's Church for Brooklyn is transparent. We bare all to each other, and it's ugly and beautiful.

God, that we would all be transparent in our lives. Withholding shame, judgement, and pretense. That we would present ourselves to You and to one another as we ought. Forgive us when we do not.

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