Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Last Two Weeks

I arrived back in New York last night after having been away for a couple of weeks in northern Virginia with my family.

Long story short: My dad has bacterial endocarditis. The particular bacteria causing his infection has only been documented twice before in medical literature. His doctors are baffled by this bug and where Daddy picked it up. The infection caused an aneurysm in his brain which leaked and had to be repaired. His aortic valve and part of the heart muscle itself also had to be replaced. Nasty infection, really. After two surgeries, less than a week apart, he is recovering remarkably with no neurologic deficits. He'll be on IV antibiotics for the next couple of months at home, but that's okay. I'm grateful that he's on this side of those operations. I love you, Daddy.

My entire family flew in to be with my dad during these last two weeks. It was beyond wonderful to spend time with them, especially Josh and Matthew. I miss my brothers. We're already making plans to move back nearer each other.

Fairfax Church of Christ, where my dad and Sharon attend, was incredible in their support of my dad and the rest of the Joneses. They spent the nights in the ICU waiting room, just to be on hand for us. They brought meals to wherever we were. They donated an entire house to my family so that we could move in for as long as we needed and not have to worry about hotel expenses. They took off work to take care of us. It was really moving to seem them serve, as one body. I will cherish their relationship to my family.

My own church family at CCfB was wonderful in their support. Countless emails and text messages reminded me that I was not alone and that our family was covered in prayer. I felt that. Thank you Father for the people in our lives who give of themselves and who let us know they care. May I extend that same spirit of service to others.


Mom said...

It is wonderful to see church folk doing everything right. Blessings to you and your entire family.Hope dad is better now.

megs said...

my thoughts go out to you, brother. i had a sick dad for a long time, and it was very hard. he's gone now, but i still remember the hardships of the sickness. but, i also remember the church being the church. i'm thankful you have seen and experienced that, as well.