Monday, December 15, 2008

Homeward Bound

After six plus years of living and loving New York, I'm going home.

It hasn't really set in yet, at least not consistently. It hits me at strange intervals and I find myself with tears in my eyes while reading the NYC Subway map or walking through my neighborhood to the grocery store. Leaving Austin to move to New York was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I would be naive to think that it won't be just as hard to leave New York.

Things I'm excited about? I'm excited about working as a nurse in Texas...I've never done that before. I'll see what the culture of caring is like outside New York. I'm excited about living in South Austin again. I'm excited about eating Texas BBQ whenever I want (Pok-e-Jo's!). I'm excited about seeing my family once a week instead of twice a year. I'm excited that Abel and I will be in the same place and not a plane ride apart.

I'm supposed to start work in Austin the beginning of March, so that puts me leaving New York sometime mid-February. I know it's going to be an emotionally-charged next couple of months. I hope it flies by because I'm ready to be in Austin now. I also hope that it goes by slow enough for me to reminisce and appreciate the things I love about New York. Counting the days...

The Case for Gay Marriage

Props to Newsweek for running this cover story, "Our Mutual Joy", in their most recent issue. This article explores the religious case for gay marriage. It's worth reading.

I adhere to a gospel of inclusion, to the belief that God is a God of love, justice, and mercy, that all are welcome at the Lord's table. Gay marriage just makes sense.