Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Friends & Family,

A co-worker of mine, Ellen, desperately needs prayer right now. She has some severe, chronic health problems related to high-dose, internal radiation treatments she received for cancer when she was a very young woman. She has already had multiple surgeries and is scheduled for additional surgery very soon. She is too sick to work, yet working so much each week to try and stay afloat financially.

She is scared for her own life, for her financial well-being, and for her future. Ellen has had a difficult life, full of betrayal and disappointment, and she needs so much to feel loved and to feel some very profound healing.

Please add Ellen to your prayer list, that God will be unmistakably present for her.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Have you ever had the opportunity to stand in front of your favorite painting, or hear your favorite song performed live, or listen to an author you love read from his or her book? You know the feeling you get?

Over the years, I have seen a few truly incredible performances. They are unforgettable moments when a performance connects with its audience in a very profound way. Friday night, Aydrea (a friend from LA) and Casey and I went and saw RENT, and it was a performance that will stick with me forever.

I've seen the show a few times before, but this performance was special for these reasons:

(1) Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp, who originated the leads in the show in 1996, are back for a few weeks. To see an original cast is awesome. They can deliver the show in a way that is unparalleled.

(2) Tamyra Gray, of American Idol fame, is also in the cast right now. I've been a fan of hers from the beginning.

(3) Aydrea, through a friend of hers, was able to arrange for us to meet with the stage manager after the show. We got backstage and the stage manager asks us, "Who in the cast would you like to meet?" Seriously, people. We got to choose who we wanted to talk to! So, we each rattled off a couple of names of cast members, and he made it happen. It was awesome. To stand at shoot the breeze with these performers was incredible. They were gracious and kind and genuine. Especially my girl Tamyra. And to shake hands with Broadway legends like Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp was a really big deal for me.

(4) The stage manager then took us on a tour of the set and of backstage. He let us roam on the stage wherever we wanted, explained all the changes that take place backstage during a performance, and let us see all the props and costumes that we cared to see. For people who know the show really well, like Casey, Aydrea and I do, it was quite poignant to be that close to the characters. I was able to walk over to the part of the stage where my favorite character, Collins, sings my favorite song, "I'll Cover You", and just stand there and soak it in. It sounds ridiculous, I know, to say that I made a connection with the character, standing there, but it's true. I will always remember getting to stand there alongside Collins and appreciate what his character stands for and the message his songs deliver. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Thank you Aydrea, your friends, and thank you to the stage manager for making Friday night happen. I'm still floating.